Have you ever had the experience, perhaps with a good friend, a lover or someone else dear to your heart, where your truth just falls from your lips? Beautifully formed, it contains a rawness perhaps, the essence of something you know deep inside.
And as you say this thing, this truth, something lands both within you and between you and the other person?
It's like this when you tap into your authentic self in your creativity or business. You know certain truths, ways of being, and you want to use them to reach others. And yet, you may hesitate. Others don't say this. Others paint platitudes or speak half-veiled stories.
This week, I invite you to sit with your heart and seek the words that speak to you and what you know. Those are the ones that will call to your ideal clients, to those who are looking for you and your work in the world.
Photo by Saad Chaudhry on Unsplash