Your Energy and Your Marketing

Have you ever been working away on an aspect of your business growth or marketing, and get the sneaking suspicion that something is off or that something is stopping you?

Maybe it’s the little bit of let down you feel after you’ve spent an hour creating content. Or maybe you’ve been trying really hard to connect to your ideal clients but nothing, or next to nothing, is materializing, despite all your efforts over the last six months.

Or maybe you feel pulled in lots of different directions with your business, but seemingly have no energy to address any one area. You feel lost.

It’s All Connected

Your energy affects your marketing. No, I'm not talking about that extra pep in your step you feel when the weather is so perfect – crystalline blue skies, the crisp fall air, a panoply of shimmering trees woven from scarlet and saffron.

I'm talking about the subtle energies that surround you and influence the relationship you have with your business and marketing.

I saw something in an energy reading during a free assessment I did for someone two weeks ago. She shared with me the feeling she had that the more she worked on her business, the fewer the tangible results. Which was strange because she had many of the underpinnings of her business in place and had experienced periods of success. What came up during the reading, though, was that she had suffered a deep loss in her personal life about six months ago. A dear colleague received a devastating diagnosis. It was profound, and still very painful.

And, she was attempting to go along working on building her business as if the two things were completely unrelated.

There are many practical reasons why coaches, healers or other creative entrepreneurs don’t get the results they might be hoping for. Among other things, they might not have their marketing’s foundation or starting point in place, not be giving people enough time, or showing up consistently enough. There could be many, many reasons why their programs don’t sell.

But that wasn’t what was going on here.

In this case, the energy from the loss was having a significant impact. Energetically, this pool of unprocessed grief was crowding in on the work she was doing in her business. In essence, it was making her efforts ineffective. Her offers weren’t connecting; people weren’t signing up to her mailing lists; her classes weren’t filling.

She needed to address the energy pattern stemming from another part of her life so that the flow of energy into her business could get unblocked. And that’s true for everyone. You may be really practiced at putting up guardrails between your business and personal life, or segmenting out certain aspects of your business from one another, but it’s all connected underneath.

Thoughts – Conscious and Unconscious

Your conscious thoughts do have their own energy and will impact your relationship with your business and marketing; however, you’re likely much more aware of them than you are the subtle energies at play at any one given moment. If you regularly realize you have trouble believing Many of you are coaches. You’re well-versed in the teaching that your thoughts impact your emotions, actions and ultimately the results you see.

Deeper, more subconscious thought patterns that show up as various energies, however, aren’t always obvious. They’re usually deep-seated, many times stemming from belief systems and thought constellations formed long ago or even handed down ancestrally. Because they remain hidden, it’s not at all clear the impact they may be having on your relationship with your business or marketing.

Belief Systems Behind the Energy

There are many different energy patterns I’ve seen in clients. Some seem more universal, but each one shows up in a unique way for each individual. For example, it has to be successful. I have to get it right. I don't want to be wrong. I need to hide. These might not be recognizable to you as conscious thoughts per se, but they often reveal themselves in subtle ways.

It has to be successful can express itself as a relentless pushing energy, a forcefulness that drains any joy out of work, or a drive that pushes others away. I have to get it right may exhibit as very subtle procrastination or even a relentless digging in on low-value activities. An I need to hide energy can creep into your marketing in lots of different ways making an elaborate social strategy plan only to trail off in burnout early on or publishing freely about your offer but dragging your feet emailing people personally about something important in your business.

Unexamined Energy

You’re working hard in your business. You want it to succeed. It’s your soul’s work; your dream. Why, you believe, you’re here in the first place. And growing and marketing a business is a courageous creative undertaking. There’s so much to learn and do and try. And, sometimes things don’t go the way you want them to. It can be disappointing, baffling even. Pushing against these outcomes, and trying to make new results, without understanding your subtle personal patterns, and where they come from, can be worth work. And sometimes, it only gets you so far. Sure, you might, with a lot of encouragement from a lit business coach or a warm group of colleagues, send out more offers than is “normal” for you. This time, but what happens next time? If you don't get to the root and identify the energy and corresponding thought patterns or belief system(s) behind the energy, it's likely to return.

As you work on growing your business and marketing, if you ever have a feeling something is standing in your way, taking a look a look at practical explanations is a good place to start. However, nothing turns up, consider there might be an subconscious or unconscious energy pattern at play in your business or other area of your life that might be having an impact on your relationship with your business.

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever discovered, by chance or through a reading of some sort, energy or energy patterns you weren’t aware of that had been affecting the way you were approaching your business or marketing?

If so, I’d love to hear from you.

Photo by sue hughes on Unsplash