
Write Your Way to Great Content Ideas

Write Your Way to Great Content Ideas

You’re sitting at your desk, the laptop screen in front of you. You flip back through your journal or idea book for ideas for this week’s blog post, and once again, you are drawing a blank.

Maybe you have so much to say, it’s hard to narrow it down. Maybe you think what you have to say isn’t relevant to your audience. Or that it’s all being said already by so many other people. You think to yourself: What do I have to add?

You are stuck, and it feels thick and heavy.

I see you.

I know how hard it can feel sometimes to come up with something compelling to write about.

Writing and the Glimpse of Possibility

Writing and the Glimpse of Possibility

I often get questions about how to use writing as a tool to help discover your deeper meaning and purpose, or to help uncover what you may be truly longing for. As a starting point, I always recommend Julia Cameron’s practice of writing Morning Pages. Morning Pages are three pages of stream of consciousness writing, written long-hand and first thing in the morning. You write without stopping and without rereading anything you’ve read.  

It’s deceptive in its simplicity, yet powerful in what it makes possible to experience.

Finding Your Passions: the Brilliant Tapestry of You

Finding Your Passions: the Brilliant Tapestry of You

I recently wrote about incorporating the uniqueness of you into your creative or coaching business. How bringing your passions into your business not only lets you experience more joy during your day, it also gives you an authentic differentiator to your business.

Today, I thought we’d delve a bit deeper and spend time exploring how you can identify what your unique passions are.

Five years ago, I couldn’t really answer that question for myself.  

Passion and the Uniqueness of You

Passion and the Uniqueness of You

​​​​​​​She ran up the stairs, two at a time, to the small table in the corner of her bedroom. The tabletop was a now a spatter of colors – cerulean, jade, magenta. She opened an old leather briefcase filled with paint tubes and brushes. As she sat, she drank in the sharp smell of turpentine, the linseed of the paints, the cottony linen of the canvas, and smiled. She was home. Time melted away, and her heart began to flutter with love. She looked at the blank canvas, closed her eyes, and her hand began to dream on the paper.

The Brilliance of Uncertainty

The Brilliance of Uncertainty

She sat down at the small table she’d placed in front of her bedroom window. The room itself was tiny, barely enough room to stand and walk around now that she’d brought the table up from the basement. The chair was still dusty in spots, the wicker backing was fraying, and it looked tired next to the small table; but the view out the window was vast.